Green Campus Challenge

Following along with the theme of my other projects for ENGL 290 Digital Rhetoric and Writing, I have decided to focus my own multimodal project around the topic of environmentalism. This project, which I have titled The Green Campus Challenge, is going to act as a personal documentation of my life as a full-time student living on campus. I wish to demonstrate that it is possible to live a sustainable life while on a college campus and while it might take a few extra measures to do so, it is not impossible. Of course, because I am at college and not at home, there are some boundaries I will have to make an exception for, which are listed below. The duration of the project will take place over the span of two weeks and I will be making a vlog at the end of each week as a sort of discussion/reflection of my thoughts while I am involved in the project. Each week is separated by day and I have included a photo gallery of each sustainable action I take for each day. Hopefully, my multimodal project will inspire others and motivate them to take more sustainable actions while living at college.


Living as a full-time student on campus will of course have its restrictions. For the sake of this project, I am limiting my requirements for living sustainably to the actions that I can feasibly do and will make exceptions in the areas that I have no control over which I list below.

  • Heating and cooling
  • Water usage for laundry services
  • Electric usage outside of my own room
  • Transportation (I live on Moravian College’s south campus which is just a mile from north campus, and normally for this challenge I would walk to class. However, I have a type of juvenile arthritis called Ankylosing Spondylitis which affects my sacroiliac joints and in turn, inhibits my walking, especially in the fall season. The college offers a shuttle service to transport students to and from both campuses which runs on a continuous loop from 7am until midnight.)

Multimodal Project Links

  1. Welcome to the Emerald City…Err, Campus: Final Project Preliminary Research
  2. Multimodal Project Proposal
  3. Green Campus Challenge Week 1
  4. Green Campus Challenge Week 2
  5. Green Campus Challenge: Multimodal Project Reflection